About GPML-Caribe
The Caribbean Node of the Global Partnership on Marine Litter and Plastic Pollution (GPML-Caribe) represents a partnership for national and regional organizations, governments, research, and technical agencies and individuals, that work together to reduce the quality and impact of marine litter in coastal zones of the Wider Caribbean Region.
Vision of the GPML-Caribe: A healthy Caribbean Sea without risk from marine litter
Mission of the GPML-Caribe: To provide leadership, information, and resources in the efforts to reduce marine litter in the Caribbean Sea
Roles of the GPML-Caribe:
- Sharing best practices and case studies
- Updating key actors on state of knowledge of technical marine litter and plastic pollution issues
- Facilitating discussions on barriers and solutions, especially online
- Encourage regional-level proposals to compile best practices, gap analyses (e.g., socio-economic aspects), assimilate guidance on technical methods and protocols
Join the Global Partnership on Marine Litter and Plastic Pollution!
Any entity can become a member of the GPML by filling in this form. Once the form has been submitted, they will receive a certificate confirming their membership and will be added to the GPML member mailing list. They will also receive information on the partnership and be invited to participate in GPML webinars. Join the GPML here